Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I watched the above-mentioned movie for the second time tonight and for whatever reason, it struck me much harder this time than the first viewing. I really enjoyed it the first time around; I thought it was funny and interesting and I love the idea of being in love and the stories as they were deleted. But for whatever reason, I never really captured the depth of the movie until I saw it again. And maybe it's just the scariness of being in love and losing that feeling, becoming bored with someone because you're looking for someone new that really connected with me this time. I've been there before and I've seen the results of that feeling and I know that I never want to go through that again, yet I also feel like we're almost predestined to experience that idea from time to time. Think about how easy it is to lose yourself in something only to put it down for something new and never think about that old something again. God knows how horrible this idea is, yet it's something that I think is present in my life and it certainly seems like most Americans experience the same thing in their lives too. Just look at the divorce rate in this country and there can be no doubt that our culture is always looking for the next big thing, like whatever we've got isn't good enough. And it makes me cry a little bit, not only for the way our culture is falling into ruins (our country isn't that far behind) but because I know that I've done that before. And maybe it was just some stupid thing that I did when I was a young, impressionable teenager, a kid who just didn't know better. But I've hurt somebody who was really close to me with my carelessness and I managed to hurt myself along the way. And maybe this sadness that I try to hide inside myself is the result of the actions I took and the actions I should have.
This just in from the newly created Facts Department
You know you're looking forward to working the next day when you start thinking about reasons to call in sick...on the last day of the work week. Yeah, welcome to my life.
Woah baby!
Ok, so I should probably retitle this post if only because it sounds like something that might come out of Dick Vitale's mouth and Lord knows that I can't stand Dick Vitale. I'd say that applies to most people but eh, whatever. I think I'm a little too sensitive to announcers. It's getting to the point that I can't listen to what they have to say any more. I don't know, maybe like I just watch too much football...nah. I do know that John Madden doesn't really bother me like he should (because he's awful). I really don't have much of a problem with him mostly because I don't really listen to what he's saying and I love the idea of a turducken. You can't go wrong with a made-up meat combination. Well, I take that back. You can, but not when Madden's involved. I enjoyed his little rant tonight about the chef who was weighing the meat before he cooked it. I believe the quote was "I won't eat anything if you have to weigh it before it's been cooked." Interesting...I wonder if he eats lunch meat. Or a turkey of any poundage. These are the type of things I'd want to know. This is where Al Michaels needs to lead their next conversation. I'm sure I would have asked Madden a couple of questions about that statement, mostly the idea of the turkey being weighed before it's sold.
Whilst I typed this waste of a rant, the Shawshank Redemption soundtrack just came on and I'm completely hooked. I know BT already covered this topic, but I love that movie. It's ridiculous how often I've seen it and yet I can never turn away from it. I don't know why, but I'll even watch it on TBS and I won't ever think to go grab my copy of it and skip the commercials. And despite it's tremendous length, I always want to know what else happened to Red and Andy. When I make my movie (and no, it won't be like Matt's crazy ultimate frisbee movie with Vin Diesel), I'm definently putting a reference/background shot of a possible Red/Andy hotel. It's going to happen. And maybe you'll be there to witness it...
Sunsets sailing on April skies
I went to my friend Cassie's wedding this weekend, which was a wonderful time. Well, most of it and I'm not going into any of the negative things because it's not my story to tell. But the videographer (is that a correct word?) at the wedding had this wonderful shirt on. Well, let me describe this guy. He looked like he was in his late 30s, maybe early 40s. He was wearing black jeans and a black shirt, but the shirt was some sort of combination of silk and velvet (yeah, I know). It shimmered whenever he moved and sort of looked like a tuxedo vest that somebody sewed arms on. It's a classy look, to say the least. My new friend Don was saying that we should call him the Velvet Tornado but Matty hit it on the head with the Vilkster.Anyway, Vilkster was set everybody up outside the church after the ceremony and had the bridesmaids and groomsmen line up on the two sides of the doorway. They all had umbrellas and the rest of the crowd was supposed to blow bubbles at the bridge and groom when they came out. So they did and everybody blew the bubbles and things were going great when Vilkster shouts out in a perfect Arnold voice "Kiss the bride. Kiss her now!" Just instant comedy on the highest scale. We couldn't help ourselves, breaking out the whole "I'm the photographer! Get out of there! Look out! Get down!" jokes. Just good times all around.Wedding was well done, 40 minute ceremony which worked out best for everybody involved. Good music at the reception and I got to dance with the bride, so that was great. Plus I was pretty tipsy from about 4:30 until 1ish, when I went to bed. Yeah, I'd have to say it was fun.Anyway, that's about all I've got tonight. Wish me luck because I'm going to try to get up tomorrow at 6 am and go for a run. We'll see how that goes.
A funny thing...
I was reading the Lombardian, the local paper for Lombard (who knew???) and one of the highlights of any local paper is the police blotter. So here was my favorite entry, if only because it has been the best entry I've seen in a while.- A battery was reported at Madison and Ahrens after a female subject told polie that she was in the park about 5:18 pm and a male subject grabbed her buttocks. She apparently grabbed him by the hair and kneed him in the face. The subject was told not to return to the park.Not only is that a fantastic reaction to someone grabbing the lady's ass, but the police then told the woman never to return to the park. I'm sure that would have been an enjoyable conversation... "Yeah, listen lady, we don't give a shit if you were minding your own business and some perv grabbed your ass. Never come back here, ok sweetheart. You obviously are the reason that said perv grabbed you. If you could only control that thing and stop toying with people emotions. Now go!"* * *It's been thundering outside both last night and tonight, which is probably my favorite weather type situation. It's incredible to watch the way the sky lights up and everything is shown in contrast. It makes me want to write, which as we all can see hasn't been happening lately. It's not so much that I haven't had things to write about but rather that I sit down at the computer and find nothing coming to mind that I want to say.And that is where I'll end tonight. I hope you're having a wonderful evening. Yes, even you.