Monday, October 02, 2006

A funny thing...

I was reading the Lombardian, the local paper for Lombard (who knew???) and one of the highlights of any local paper is the police blotter. So here was my favorite entry, if only because it has been the best entry I've seen in a while.

- A battery was reported at Madison and Ahrens after a female subject told polie that she was in the park about 5:18 pm and a male subject grabbed her buttocks. She apparently grabbed him by the hair and kneed him in the face. The subject was told not to return to the park.

Not only is that a fantastic reaction to someone grabbing the lady's ass, but the police then told the woman never to return to the park. I'm sure that would have been an enjoyable conversation... "Yeah, listen lady, we don't give a shit if you were minding your own business and some perv grabbed your ass. Never come back here, ok sweetheart. You obviously are the reason that said perv grabbed you. If you could only control that thing and stop toying with people emotions. Now go!"

* * *

It's been thundering outside both last night and tonight, which is probably my favorite weather type situation. It's incredible to watch the way the sky lights up and everything is shown in contrast. It makes me want to write, which as we all can see hasn't been happening lately. It's not so much that I haven't had things to write about but rather that I sit down at the computer and find nothing coming to mind that I want to say.

And that is where I'll end tonight. I hope you're having a wonderful evening. Yes, even you.


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