Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Belong In the Service of the Queen

The title is a reference to the Counting Crow's Rain King from the August & Everything After album. It's been raining here every day for the last five days and the rain always makes me think of the Crows. There are lots of storm warnings running through the area, which looks like there's still going to be more rain.

I love the rain. I enjoy the way it sounds when it hits the window. I love the way a dark sky lites up as the thunder crashes across it, the booming of thunder that eventually follows. The starkness of it brings things into focus. There's no shading, no in between. Light and dark chase after each symbolic.

The best part of the rain is by far the way it lends towards sleeping. It's so easy to find a deep sleep with the rhythm of the rain drumming on the window.



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