Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Every Once In A While

I appologize for the capitalization above. In fact, I'll just appologize in general. I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. It just happened.

Anyway, back from the abyss, back so you can't complain too much (notice I didn't say you couldn't complain...I'll give you that much). I've been incredibly happy lately, mostly because of the aforementioned woman who has graced my life. I feel so blessed, which is different from the way things normally are. I almost don't know what to do with it.

Today is Mardi Gras, which makes me feel like I should go out and get pissed, European-style. Then again, I know that I won't. I plan on heading out for dinner and I might grab a beer while there, but there's something inside me that doesn't let me get wasted. A voice that stops me, makes me hold back. I've always been afraid to let go too much, which is probably why I'm happiest when I'm with people who help me reach that point. Normally, that's with the few people who read this blog. I know they don't care about what I'm supposed to be or what I should be doing, only that I'm enjoying myself. I even begin to suspect that Matty and Blythe attempted to get me wasted when we had our one night of drinking. And while I probably wouldn't have said it at the time, thank you both. That was fun.

I sent out a letter today. A funny letter. Well, maybe the address was funny. I hope she likes it. I've never been good at corresponding, especially letters, but I want to write more and journal entries and blog entries aside, I think having a "pen pal" would be a good thing for me. So I'm asking for all of you who want letters to email me your addresses and I'll try to start writing. It'll grrrreat!

From reading B. Poppa's blog:

Wisconsin (and most northern city) law: If the temperature goes above 50 degrees, at least 50% of your legs must be shown.

Well, we reached 40 for the first time in months. Almost there. I can't wait.


At 1:39 AM, Blogger blythe said...

My mailman (or some other minion in the USPS) circled "the historical society of the BAT" and wrote a question mark above it. Nonetheless, the letter reached its intended destination. And I laughed my ass off. That plus the Batmobile Lego set that arrived this week will be sure to further bewilder the roommates.

Well played!

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a blast from the past.

Texas has definitely given me thin skin, and I definitely don't wear shorts that soon. That's probably best for everyone, as the glare could be blinding.

At 12:34 AM, Blogger dyoung said...

I'm glad the historical society of the bat worked. I was hoping to make your day...

At 11:40 AM, Blogger ~Belle~ said...

You really shouldnt leave your loyal readers waiting!!! Its ok, we all love you anyway. :)


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