Monday, June 04, 2007

A weekend...

My hats off to Jason and Sally, the second person from Mizzou (and girlfriend) to come visit. It was a great time, and I'm happy that they came up and shared their time with us. Unfortunately, I can't seem to remember a whole lot of what was said, despite it being very commical in nature.

We picked up J&S from Midway airport (slogan: it only smells weird because we want it to!) on Friday night around 11ish and then took the long way home so we could stop at LBT. LBT is a mexican restaurant and Sally, being from Texas, made some dire threats about the food letting her down. Much to her surprise, it's a tasty little treat and she enjoyed it. Jason polished off the giant burrito, which is about half as big as he is. Then we came home and headed to bed.

On Saturday, whilst I was at work, the three of them went to the Cubs game (completely unplanned) and then we went out to Paulies, a bar down the street. There was a lady sitting next to us who had ordered a Corona and she was attempting to put the lime in the drink, only she wasn't really paying attention to what she was doing. I was watching as she flipped her bottle over and began to apply a new cologne. In the words of Dan the Younger, wah wah.

Michelle and I spent the day yesterday relaxing and catching up. I think we got about six hours of sleep yesterday, before heading to breakfast and dropping off our guests at the train station. For more antics, I'd suggest checking out the Jason Sports Guy link at your leisure.

And, before I forget, this is for Jason and for anybody who enjoys the game Risk. It's called Dice Wars. Enjoy.

Alright, I've got to go to work now, but I will be back soon to rant about gas companies. And I will rant about them Sally, whatever you say.


At 5:10 PM, Blogger Jason said...

Dice Wars!

Everyone should come visit Dan and Michelle! They are awesome.


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