Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
You and I had to be the standing joke of the year...
Whilst the above song is a sad song, it happens to be playing right now and I figured I'd toss it on there. The artist, as par usual these days for me, is David Gray. Personally, I'm not feeling all that bad. Though I wouldn't mind singing that song for some of the people I've dated; I doubt they would appreciate it and I'm pretty sure that the point would be missed. Maybe I'd miss it. Or maybe I just never got it.
Anyway, there's a survey question going around the bank right now, courtesy of yours truly and I invite you, dear reader to take part. Which would you prefer to be: a Rock (music) star (pick the genre) or a movie star? Why would you pick that? The best answers so far:
Chad (a guy from upstairs) - Rock star because there are more chicks.
Elyse & Ashley (virtually at the same time) - Movie star because you get to make out with the hot actors.
Jackie - Rock star because I'd to have control over what I produce and the artistic freedom that comes with it. Also, when you make out with the hot guys, they tend to stay yours and not walk away when the film is done.
Thus far, movie star is beating rock star like your mom did when you stole something. It's 14-8, with most girls choosing movie star and most guys choosing rock star. I'll reveal the final tally on Sunday.
Movie star, easy. Rock stars have a limited shelf life (ex. Rolling Stones), but actors can move on. Your career can begin as a rebel/tough guy/heartthrob and transition into dad/older heartthrob/mentor and finally become a Grumpy Old Man. My final say in the argument is two words: Jack Nicholson.
Rock Star: you get to party with Dick Clark.
Rock star. You get to move around and see the world constantly, people see you and appreciate your mad skillz LIVE, and -- let's face it -- chick rockers are so much more awesome than shallow movie chicks.
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